Clear Sky Chart

Note:When you email CSCcharts, Attilla Danko or a colleague will reply.
To How to contact
Request a new Chart Email CSCCharts with this info.
Report broken links, typos, or bad lat/longs on any page. Email CSCCharts
Ask how to use charts Read any legend page first. Then email CSCCharts.
Sponsor a chart Use the appropriate Donate button on How to be a sponsor.
Get auto emails sent to you on good sky conditionsSee
Ask questions about the Clear Sky Alarm-ClockEmail Mark Casazza. (Mark is not associated with, but he's still a cool guy.)
Report forecast accuracy, innacuracy or any stories of use Email Allan Rahill
Ask meteorology questions Politely email questions to Allan Rahill.
Ask about apps displaying chartsAttilla Danko has not written any of the apps, but has given permission to many app-authors to display clear sky charts. Please email the author of your app. They will then contact me if there is a technical problem between my servers and the app.
Send huge gobs of money Send Paypal to Me. Just me. Allan doesn't need the money. He's got a job


Copyright © 2024 Attilla Danko. Page updated 2024-09-25 03:04:54UT on server1.